A downloadable game

Disclaimer: only joystick is supported, no keyboard or other controllers.

This is a little Battlestar Galactica fan game I've been working on as a hobby project on and off for a while. I'm a huge BSG fan, and I just really wanted to see the inside of a viper cockpit in VR. So I basically really built this as my own personal BSG playground. But since I'm enjoying it, I felt I might as well share it with others.

I aimed at getting the flight model/physics to feel like it does in the show, not necessarily how it would actually work. In short: when you push the throttle, you lose momentum in the other directions, so you'll only move forward (think of it as stabilizing thrusters). When you throttle down, you'll keep going in the same direction you were going in. So you can go forward, set throttle to 0 and flip the viper around to get a shot off at your pursuers.


Viperjock v0.1.zip 598 MB


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(3 edits)

Interestingly this title almost works flatscreen, without VR. Your viewpoint is locked to forward-facing and you can't free-look or observe displays properly but you can see the canopy just fine. Likewise, the game detects my PS4 controller, but the inputs are all over the place. I was able to fight the Viper under control despite that, but it's far from combat-effective.

I'd love to see a basic keybind/controller button mapper and a mouse-look or other free-look mechanic added at some point. This is one of those games that can easily suit both flatscreen and VR players with basic QoL. Since it technically supports gamepads already it isn't far off mechanically. With some more development and missions this could be up there with Diaspora: Shattered Armistice in terms of Viper combat. It'd be neat to see an extraction or TDM mode with more Vipers, Raiders and features like nuclear munitions and flak screens, too. This game has a lot of potential.


Hi, thanks for your comment! I never developed this with flat screen in mind, so it's awesome to hear that it kind of works anyway. 

I will try to implement control bindings and free look in this to make it work properly.  If that goes well, I might be inspired to create another misison or two.

TDM (at least actual multiplayer) isn't likely to be developed, but AI wingmates might be worth attempting.

Anyway, thanks for your encouraging comment. Happy to know this is still of interest to people!

(6 edits)

Aye, it was a treat to find. I have a soft spot for the Vipers (especially the Mark III from Blood and Chrome) so any game or mod that features them heavily gets my attention. With so few official BSG games out there (and all of them being abandonware barring Deadlock) it's largely down to fan creations to carry the franchise. I didn't expect the controls to work at all flatscreen, but they're somewhat manageable already, which is what inspired me to pitch their update for flatscreen users.

Agree with you about multiplayer wholeheartedly; it would probably be a hassle to produce and would likely be touch-and-go in practice. I was moreso referring to a simple combat mode with a bunch of Vipers and Raiders for some cinematic challenge, sort of like Star Wars Battlefront's Instant Action modes. Regardless though I'm amazed enough already that indie games like this and the similar title Colonial One can tackle the Vipers' three-dimensional movement to this degree.

Is the work ongoing?